In Pakistan! The process of car loan/ car financing is an
easy way to own a car. A self-employed business /salaried person having a
suitable and verifiable income stream can request for bank financing. Car
leasing ,often considered complicated, is getting more popular because the bank
are making the process very easy and attractive for the customers. The majority
of the banks in Pakistan is offering the standard product of car finance. Car
financing rates are independent upon the terms of financing and types of
Islamic Car
Other than the conventional banking few banks are offering
Islamic car financing. Like, Meezan Bank, Bank Islami, Faysal Bank and Dubai
Islamic Bank etc are prominent banks offering Islamic car financing. The main
difference between conventional auto financing and Islamic auto financing is
the factor of interest .Islamic banking practices avoid interest. Islamic auto
financing is known as Car Ijarah which is somewhat similar to a rental
agreement .Under this agreement, the bank purchases the car and rents it out to
the customer for a mutually agreed period of 1 and 5 year . upon completion if
the Ijarah period ,the car will be gifted to the customer or sold at a token
amount .HBL Car Loan offer is quite affordable for getting your dream car on
lease as well as Meezan Bank Car Ijarah Scheme.